We committed to change the way you borrow for wholesales business

To become a trustworthy partner that understand your business most without delay for financial data

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

A place to support your fast growing business

With technology embedded underwriting strategy we aim to provide you funding with better timing and control

Finance timely

Knowing your business with technology allow us to understand you thoroughly without the delay for your opportunities

Finance effectively with suitable control

Traditional Trade finance products require huge amount of admin work to your company. We target to reduce the documents you submit by involving different technology

Finance with lower cost

Quality business shall have lower cost than traditional does. Better control let us has better understanding on you and the underlying risk.

AI embedded underwriting strategy

Accumulated corporate operating data will train our model to better fit your business to match your funding need

Automated monitoring – programmability

Technology can help us to improve the credit monitoring by execute an automatic command-based conditions


We provide consulting service from experienced banker to solve different situation for your business. Not only funding, we suggest strategies.

“”It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.””

Warren Buffett 

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